BCM News

2018 China(Jilin) International Animation Comics & Games Forum (2018-09-04 ~ 2018-09-07)

페이지 정보


❏ Title : 2018 China(Jilin) International Animation Comics & Games Forum Participation Business Trip (2018-09-04 ~ 2018-09-07)

❏ Place : Changchun, China

❏ Participant

Koo, Jong Sang, Chairman of BCM,

LI, ZAIRONG, Professor of Northeast Normal University

❏ Period : 2018. 09. 04(Tue) - 09. 07(Fri)

❏ Content

❍ Participation in 2018 China(Jilin) International Animation Comics & Games Forum

❍ Promotion for BCM through Giving a Special Lecture to Students and Professor of Jilin Animation Institute

❍ Strengthening on Exchange and Cooperation with Major Media Symposium and Universities in Jilin, China 



2018 China(Jilin) International Animation Comics & Games Forum>


<Signboard Ceremony of Film Research Academy at Jilin Animation Institute>

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